How to Let Go and free your soul from your self.

We are powerful beings. Powerful beyond our wildest dreams. But we fear our power, so we settle to live a small, safe life. We settle for what we know, and then we dwell on the illusion of defeat.

Waking up from this dream is hard work. It’s simple, yet difficult. We know what we must do, yet we don’t do it. We complain about feeling trapped, yet we’re the ones guarding the cage. It’s time to open the gate and let our soul break free. 

When we silence our mind we open the way for our soul to come out. The most powerful sources in the universe are subtle, and our spirit is no exception. Our minds, on the other hand, are like histrionic divas, always pleading for attention. And girl, do they get it! Like a spoiled little princess, your mind makes tantrums and cries, as hard as she can, so she’s the only thing in the world you can see, hear, and feel. 

The way to calm her down isn’t giving her what she wants, but soothing her. Be aware of her asking, but don’t do as she wants. Love her, understand her, and move your attention. At first, she’ll get even louder. “What? You won’t pay attention to me? I’ll show you!”, she’ll say.  She’ll fall on the floor. Scream even louder. Make you feel embarrassed, unworthy, fearful. Doubt your capacity to handle the whole situation. 

What to do then? Should you talk to her try to soothe her with nice compliments? No, she won’t listen. She’s getting your attention, so she’ll only keep screaming. Will you try to reason with her, convince her there’s another way to deal with the situation? No, she’s smart. She’ll talk back, and she’ll use solid arguments. Should you ask someone else to calm her? No, she will probably obey this person, but as soon as she’s gone she’ll go back to her crying. So what then? Should you give her food, drugs, or something to make her quiet? Though you know that’s not the best way to go, you’ll try anything at this point. No, you know what will happen. The moment the soothing effect goes away,  she’ll crave more, and more and her tantrums will get worse than ever. 

What to do then? You know what to do. Just watch her silently. Let her do what she needs to do. Let her cry if she needs to, scream if she needs to, punch the walls if she wants to. Be the space where she can do all this and still feel loved. Yes, it will be incredibly uncomfortable at first, but you know at some point, she’ll fall asleep, completely exhausted. 

And then, your soul will show up. You will show up. The real, powerful, limitless, infinite you. Free to express, to create, to share, free to serve. That’s all you had to do. Watch over your thoughts. No need to do anything else. Don’t seek your soul. She’s already here. She’s you. No need to move the energy, or affirm like crazy, or visualize her power. You don’t put down fire with fire. 

Letting go is not about giving up. On the contrary, it requires conscious effort and lots of practice. It’s about being brave enough to look at what’s happening inside you and stop resisting it. It’s about acceptance of what is, even when you don’t like it. Letting go is the brave act of accepting that you are not your mind and let her die of attention starvation. It’s about enduring the pain it causes you until it fades away. 

Letting go is simple. It’s also certainly not easy, though. It’s a three-step process: 

1. Once a low vibe feeling comes, be aware of it. Don’t judge it, don’t suppress it, don’t express it either. Just watch it as it moves through you. 

2. Accept and open inner space for that feeling. Don’t follow it with thoughts, don’t try to analyze it or fix it. That’s your mind in action. Just let it be, experience it fully without focusing on it. Like tasting bitter wine. 

3. Surrender it. Accept it fully. It is what it is. Relax and surrender your need to make something happen. Simply let it go and expand your attention. Focus on what’s in front of you, the present moment. Everything else is just thought. 

Your soul is always there, you are always there. Letting go is the process of removing all the garbage that your mind has hoarded for false self-protection. 

Set yourself free!