Just saying no

That was what last week was all about. I know it sounds kinda vague, but that's what I did. 

-"No, Paula, no. You said you'd commit to this, so no excuses babe."

I repeated myself this, whenever I "didn't feel like it". And "it" could be anything, from going swimming, yoga class, stop eating too much candy, to creating content or writing this post. 

Who says change doesn't take effort? When did self-discipline become something that is too hard and therefore something we should avoid? I think saying no to one's lazy instincts forges character and yes, it's one of the good all ways to get things done. Don't you? 

Not everything we do has to be pleasant, not every task within our purpose will be enjoyable, but it doesn't mean that by doing those tasks, we're punishing ourselves.  

Sometimes self-discipline is probably the most powerful manifestation of self-love. Show up for yourself doing what you must.