How to write effective emails.

Here’s the hard truth: our inboxes are annoyingly crowded. Up to the point we can’t pay attention to all the newsletters, sales sequences, and offers that come in daily. I’ve missed important emails just because I massively delete most of them, and some get accidentally trapped in the not-important net.

Here’s the other hard truth: you still need to communicate with your clients. And email is still the most direct and personal way to reach them. Unlike advertising, where you’re interrupting someone’s attention, a person who gave you their email is interested in what you do and ready to start a relationship with your brand. Awesome! Let’s make it work.

So, how can you write effective emails? Let’s start by defining “effective”. In a sentence, effective emails are the ones that get you what you want: your client’s attention. They get open, they spark your clients’ interest, they make them take action. The action you want them to take.

Please remember, it’s all about the relationship! Why is someone on your list? Why did they decide to sign up? It’s probably because you offered something they need or want. But mostly, it’s because they trusted you, and that is something you shouldn't take lightly. Sales are value-exchange relationships. Even though we now do most of them online, all of us crave attention and real human contact. We hate to be treated as numbers. Always set an intention first for the kind of relationship you want to build with your clients.

I don’t believe in marketing recipes. Every business is unique and you have to know the reason behind each strategy to apply it successfully. I do believe there are principles we can apply for success. Here are five you need to keep in mind every time you are writing emails, being business emails, email campaigns, or newsletters.

  1. Create titles that call out attention.

    Something that sparks interest. If you know your audience, you know what that is. Use a question that your client has in his or her head. (I.E. Is it possible to get a 50% open rate on an email campaign?) Talk about a problem they have. (Tired of your kids’ tantrums?) Offer a solution to their problem. (This will help you get a deep sleep every night.) Or use funny titles that they can relate to. (Are your jeans noticing your love for ice cream?) Be creative! But please, avoid clickbait. We all know it and it’s no fun.

  2. Personalize as much as you can.

    We all love to feel seen and validated. Think of each one of your clients as your friends. How would you write to a friend? Keep it honest, and open-hearted. Use the person’s first name as much as you can, and avoid cheesy sales phrases that feel pushy or impersonal.

  3. Value, value, value.

    It’s about them, not about you. It’s never about you. You don’t need to talk about how great your product or service is. Instead, use each communication to help them get what they need or want. Make your email content so freakin amazing, that they go open it as soon as it hits their inbox. Do this from the first time you connect.

  4. Keep it short and sweet.

    Yes, we’re all busy. Very busy. According to Psychology Today, the average person needs to make about 35,000 decisions a day. Overwhelming, right? And that includes which emails to open, and then decide to read. So, make it fast and easy for them. Deliver a clear, compelling message in as few words as possible. This includes the frequency of your emails too. It’s not true that more emails increase the chance people will open them. Quality is what matters most. If you don’t believe me, ask Wait But Why subscribers.

  5. Tell people what you want.

    You'd be amazed at how many of my clients forget about making a call to action. This is probably what determines how effective your emails are! How can people do what you want them to do if you don’t tell them what that is? Even if it’s just regular communication, asking for a response, a website visit, or even a coupon code download, will make a huge difference. Don’t be afraid to ask!

Writing effective emails will depend on how much you are willing to serve and connect with your audience. Always follow your intuition and be consistent. Building a relationship takes time, but it’s absolutely worth it!