too much to do, too little time to do it

Biting off more than I can chew is my thing. 

I've done it since I got memory and I love it! I have to admit I get bored with too little to do. I also have to admit that I like a challenge. 

It happens to creative people. They get so many ideas, love to do so many things, that at some point, in order to move forward they have to learn to say NO to something. But it is soooo hard! Cause, how can you discriminate? What if, by choosing, you cut off the thing that was going to be successful first or that could've been more fulfilling? 

So, what should we do about this?

Make a choice.

Truth is, if we wanna move forward, we have to. Can't walk two roads at the same time. So, choose fast. that way if you got down the wrong road, you still got the chance to go back and take the other. 

But what do I do first? I figure this is your next question. I tell you all about it in this post. Just remember not to be a perfectionist and avoid procrastinating on your decision for fear of making the wrong choice. A bad decision is better than not deciding at all, because at least it gets you moving.

Focus on key tasks.

Those are the tasks that have compound results, meaning that by getting them done, you leverage other tasks, allow others to move forward with theirs, or solve the more problems.

For example, sometimes answering a short email, that takes no longer than five minutes, allows your team to move forward, helps a key client or gets something really annoying out of your mind. Sometimes all three. Completing this task will allow you to focus on other important matters that take more time.

Be clear on what your core value is.

This one is key. Don’t waste your time on things that don’t add value to your clients, business or career. People pay you to use your unique talents, time spent on minor operational tasks is time lost. Let other people (whose core value is that) work on it.

If you’re a creative, create. Hire someone to work on your social media or answer your calls. And if you can’t pay for help at the moment, then optimize those tasks so that they don’t take more than 20% of your time. Focus on what brings the value (and the money) in.

Be patient with yourself.

As creatives ideas come to us faster that we can process them most times. And that leaves us overwhelmed. Embrace what you can do with the time you have instead on focusing on all the things you can’t do because of the time you lack.

That’s time abundance mindset. And it’s powerful.