The lazy post


Lazy like doing NOthing at all, in a very Bruno Mars style. 

Why? Cause I'm incredibly tired, and both my soul and my body were crying for some time out. I've been running around like crazy, very focused on reaching my goals and keeping up with day-to-day tasks: the kids, the house, the job, the classes, this project. 

It's not until you stop that you realize how tired you are. We're one third into this year already, and a little time to take a breath is necessary. Recharge so that you can keep up with the new, exciting months to come. 

I think the magic of doing nothing comes from completely letting go. It also represents our ability to be kids once more: time doesn't exist, and fun it's the only thing that matters. Pure present moment feeling.

Of course, fun should be present in everything we do, ideally, but let's face it: time used for no useful purpose other than having fun is the best of times. 

So here's the challenge for you: take time to do NOTHING. It's Easter weekend. Time for rest and silence. Time for you. 

When was the last time you did NOthing at all? When will you get the chance to do it again?

Time to recharge the batteries!

Let me know how it went and how it felt in the comments. 

Oh! I almost left without telling you the very important news: I have a podcast! Look for Drops of Pura Vida in Itunes to get short, weekly coaching on productivity and life balance. 

Photo by Haley Powers on Unsplash